Coffee with a mission

In support of Black History Month

Harbour Coffee Company is on a mission to help those in need. Your support is powering non-profits, charities, and groups dedicated to helping others. For each bag purchased in the month of February, $1 will be donated to the Center for Black Health & Equity in support of Black History Month. Black History Month is an annual celebration that honors the contributions, history, and culture of Black people, primarily in the United States but also observed in other countries like Canada and the UK.

Guatemala, Mexico, and Brazil

Dark Roast

This medium-dark roast blend of Guatemala, Mexico, and Brazil coffee provides a more robust and rich coffee taste with notes of chocolate and caramelized sugar.


Single Origin


This light roast Colombian coffee offers you that delicious classic coffee taste with notes of cocoa and berry.


Peru and Brazil


Enjoy this delicious blend of Peruvian and Brazilian coffee anytime of day. Notes of graham cracker, cocoa and honey. Our decaf coffee undergoes the mountain water process to extract the caffeine from the coffee bean.
